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Search Results for "DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network - WACV'19"
DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network - WACV'19
wacv19 spotlight Can v3 3
WACV 2019: Toward Computer Vision Systems that Understand Real-World Assembly Processes
[WACV 2019] Real-time Progressive 3D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Scenes
GLU-Net: Global-Local Universal Network for Dense Flow and Correspondences
SceneFlowFields: Dense Interpolation of Sparse Scene Flow Correspondences (IEEE WACV 2018)
Rethinking Self-supervised Correspondence Learning: A Video Frame-level Similarity Perspective
[WACV'19] Attentive and Adversarial Learning for Video Summarization
DGC Mapping
SfMLearner++: Learning Monocular Depth & Ego-Motion using Meaningful Geometric Constraints
[CVPR 2021, ORAL] Learning Accurate Dense Correspondences and When to Trust Them
A short intro to the article (WACV'20) Silhouette Guided Point Cloud Reconstruction beyond Occlusion